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22-11-2016, 07:24 AM

Daily Thread, Tuesday, 22nd November

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all surviving this awful weather.

LG, Glad you saved that poor dog and hope you find his owners. Sorry to hear you have a roof leak to contend with.

June, hope that debris does not cause too much of a problem on the river, doesn't sound good.

Have a good day everyone as best you can that is, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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22-11-2016, 07:45 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow.
Very wet here through the night our conservatory outside the back door is dreadfully wet. Gorden's thought is drill some holes so the water that gets in can get out again. We thought we had solved it when no.5 cleared their gutters. Seems not.
Mark gone to work, Gorden left for work till Friday evening so now an easier day apart from a couple of jobs after walking Dillon and the obligatory housework.

Thank goodness LG you have the collie safe I expect he will be going home at some point today. Hopefully. Hoping you get the leak sorted and it hasn't damaged the chandelier.
You need Del and Rodney in. (Only fools and horses).
June room looking nice.
Hope everyone is safe from the flooding that has happened over the country.

Hoping everyone is well and all four legged friends too.
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Sue L
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22-11-2016, 08:49 AM
Good morning Moyra, Lynn and all who follow.

Hope your roof is easily and quickly fixed Gordon and that you stay safe from any flooding June.

On e day Lynn you may get a new conservatory and enjoy your house with a peaceful mind. Hope Dillon' paw /leg is now well

Very windy with blustery showers here at the moment forecast to ease later. Got a bit damp walking Teazle but we have had the cobwebs blown away

Have a good day and stay safe
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22-11-2016, 08:50 AM
Morning all and those to follow. Here is the latest bloggy thing. Hope you like the pic of Tyto in flight. Have a good day all. Hope you find the Collies owner LG What colour is he/she?
Have a good walk today June and don't get washed away. Sounds horrendous up your neck of the woods as you are quite near LG by the looks of it. Take Care all.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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22-11-2016, 09:54 AM
Stopped raining now and we're not afloat either. Dry forecast for a few days as well so girls will get some walks in. Got bone run today. Storm has headed for the North East now
Picture is of the room as it was, it was trashed by my son and everything had to be thrown out.
That conservatory has taken over from the boiler, who took over from the car, Lynn. You deserve a nice quiet week with no upsets after the time you've had recently.
Got to confirm the bone run for this morning, I want to get out and back as quickly as possible, got to top up the LPG in the car this morning as no way was I going anywhere yesterday
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22-11-2016, 10:59 AM
Well been and had the eye test at specsavers to see if i can get my driving licence back. Think I must have failed the field vision test as I missed a dot on the screen just one. The lady said they normally run the test 3 times but in my case she said it was not necessary. The letter test with both eyes was ok but not each eye seperately, my right eye let me down.

So it looks as if i shall never be allowed to drive again. The good news is it doesn't look as if i shall be going blind
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gordon mac
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22-11-2016, 11:18 AM
Morning All, Much drier here this morning - we've been up and out since 8am. On our return we followed a car up our lane, it was two ladies who had come to take my little lodger home, their bungalow on the other side of the village had a flooded garden and quite a strong current through it, which had spooked their "Laddie" and he had bolted. They have had him since last Xmas and he was from a rescue. This was, they said, the first time he had shown any fear of anything (I presume something had happened to him in a previous life to bring on this reaction - but we'll never know I suppose). Anyhow he was very pleased to see them both, he's one of those that sits with his tail sweeping the ground and his bottom wriggling.
Brenda in answer to your question, he's 5 years old and a lot like Mandy's Rosie in size and shape, short thick coat mostly black with a bit of tan on his legs and round his eyes (like eyebrows) and a white chest flash. He looked to me like one of the collies you so often see around farmyards in Wales. He's certainly very friendly once over his experience of last night.
The water level in the valleys has gone down as quickly as it rose, although there are a few homes uninhabitable but folk are rallying round and there is a lot of help available for those that need it.
Hope the bone run is uneventful, June, also that the dry spell stays long enough for you to get home.
Lynn - I remember that episode of "Only Fools etc" in truth the chandelier that is affected is nowhere near as grand as the one in the programme. It does however look a lot better this morning without the water dripping off it. lol ! We currently have about five chaps going up and down ladders with stuff for the roof and I am assured by them that it is a lead gulley that is leaking (although at the moment it has stopped) and that it will be fixed well before dark. I'm lucky in that an old rugby playing friend has a huge roofing company down in Tameside and I phoned him at home last night, consequently the roofers have been hard at it since just after it came light. There is little damage done inside and now all is dried off the electrics are OK, just a bit of cosmetic work to be done by a painter and all should be well.
Good morning to Sue and slightly soggy Teazle - hope you are spared any further weather.
Moyra - do take care when out with Amber in this weather, make sure you're well wrapped up and have stout footwear.
Good day to everyone - I'll be back later, bye fer now.
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22-11-2016, 11:49 AM
Oh LG So glad the Collies owners came for him and he was pleased to see them. Glad you managed to get some roofers in too. Thanks Gordon must sort out my ankle boots.

Barry, I have to go for my diabetic Eye screening Monday next. Not looking forward to it. However, if you missed only one light I wouldn't think they will fail you on that. I suspect you have passed their test and that is why they did not repeat it. Fingers crossed.
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gordon mac
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22-11-2016, 12:11 PM
I honestly think that Moyra has a point and you could well have passed first time - hence no need for further tests! Time of course will tell! A bit of good luck is obviously required. The silver lining is of course that you still have your sight and long may that continue to serve you well.
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22-11-2016, 01:36 PM
Hello all very glad the collie has returned home & very happy to see his owners. & pleased you have rovers in who are working hard.
I'm pleased that I got Rodie out on a very nice walk & run ( only running done was by Rosie )
I'm going to have some dinner then iff to work. Hope it stays dry now for the rest of the day.
Tweed I too agree with Moyra, I think if you'd failed they would most probably repeated the test just to be sure.
Glad you & girls are not floating away anywhere
Lynn sorry to hear you have a leaky conservatory
Brenda will read your blog whilst eating my lunch
Bye for now
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