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07-04-2022, 07:13 AM

Tinkering Thursday 7th April 2022

Morning all. Hope you all had a good night. I was a bit annoyed to realise that I should have topped up my ISA a few days ago but didn't know I could as it is a fixed rate one. But nope I should have so have now done it today. Spoke to a nice lady on the phone at the bank. So, that's done. Must be a sign of getting old. Anyway have a good day. Sun is up here so a walk is in for this morning.
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07-04-2022, 09:21 AM
Good morning all

I woke up in the night to Gert barking (very vey unusual) could not see a thing looking out the window assumed t was simply the wind got up this morning to find my neighbours Ariel has blown off the roof and is hanging by the coaxial cable alone. LOL it is banging against the house and luckily missing their kitchen window and back door. Who would of thought it.

Brenda all's well that ends well. Add it to your calendar for next year LOL Have you considered something like house sitting as you are free and footloose new locations without the cost. A good friend of mine has just started enquiring her hubby passed away and she is alone her children having grown up and left home with families of their own, so she thought with the rising costs etc she could make this a way of having holidays she used to foster for SBT rescue she does not drive so ot same as you public transport or walking are a priority.

Griff Yes she has grass allergy never had an issue with her ears previously bar the grass seed that punctured her ear drum couple of years ago. Two lots of canular and we are already seeing an improvement the vets said I ad caught it really early and congratulated me on knowing her so well, but as there is only me and her now I would be surprised if I did not and to be honest - even the slightest thing with her and the pit of my tummy turns over churning with worry.

Lynn All sounds great on the holiday front how fantastic if both your lads could be there. Memories for all of you.

Moyra Have a good day

Chris Did you sort the issue out was it with your porch drainpipes and next door? hope your day is good

Sue Suppose your day is as busy as ever; hope your tooth is doing okay.
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Sue L
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07-04-2022, 10:01 AM
Good morning Brenda, Kazz and all who follow

Hope u enjoyed. you walk Brenda

Good that Gert's ear is clearing up Kazz.

Sunny but very windy here. Teazl walked and have cut the lawn edges, will mow it tomorrow hopefully, and dead headed the daffodils. Out this afternoon looking a riding stables for youngest as she has now decided that she doesn't like gymnastics so will do riding instead.

Hope all are well. Take care
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